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Helping patients gain access to our therapies
As part of our commitment to people affected by brain diseases, we work to provide appropriate assistance to patients who seek access to our therapies.
Lundbeck is committed to developing and providing innovative therapies that help improve patients' lives. We realize the challenges of the disorders we treat remain substantial, and we are dedicated to supporting the people behind the disease, as well as their families, their caregivers, and their communities. Our engagement with patient communities is at the core of who we are.
As part of our commitment, we work to provide appropriate assistance to patients who seek access to our therapies. The Lundbeck Migraine Patient Assistance Program may be available to patients who have limited financial resources and who do not have insurance coverage for their medication. Eligibility criteria apply.
For patients seeking assistance with: Migraine therapies
Toll-free phone number: 877-288-9125
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Our commitment
We strive for Progress in Mind - our multifaceted approach to patients.
Advocacy and involvement
Advocacy is at the core of who we are.