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Lundbeck US Newsroom
Here you will find the latest news, stories and insights from Lundbeck US. Lundbeck is a global biopharmaceutical company solely focused on the brain, and our ~1,000 U.S. employees are committed to advancing brain health and transforming lives.
The information in the press releases on these pages are factually acurate on the date of publication. These press releases remain on Lundbeck's website for historical purposes only. Lundbeck assumes no duty to update the information to reflect subsequent developments. Readers should not rely on the information on these pages as current or accurate after their publication dates.
For general media inquiries, contact:
Molly Poarch
Vice President, US Corporate Affairs
Phone: 224-602-7831
Lundbeck in the US
When it comes to advancing therapies for brain diseases, we stand apart.
Investor relations
Detailed information related to Lundbeck’s financial performance from our Global team.