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When it comes to advancing therapies for brain diseases, we stand apart
For more than 70 years, Lundbeck has been at the forefront of brain science. We are committed to providing transformative therapies for brain diseases, and we are dedicated to advancing brain health and transforming lives.
In the United States, our nearly 1,000 employees stand shoulder-to-shoulder with patients, families and caregivers impacted by brain diseases. The unmet need in brain disease is vast, but we strive to see the person behind the disease, and we have deep connections with the communities we serve.
Our Operations
Our People
A deep pipeline – 100 percent targeted to brain disease, with focus on uncovering the underlying biology of challenging disorders.
A passion for patients that binds us together and drives us to act with urgency to address unmet medical needs today and into the future.
A long history of successful and diverse partnerships.
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Grants and contributions
Charitable contributions, sponsorships, IIT and IME.