Lundbeck Magazine 2021

Our Approach to Sustainability

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. Addressing the world's global challenges is a shared responsibility. Together with our partners, we focus our efforts where we can make the most significant impact.

Contributing to Society

At Lundbeck, our most important contribution to society is easing the global burden of the millions of people living with brain diseases. And we are one of the few companies in the world that focus exclusively on this unmet need.


Brain Health

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have launched our Access to Brain Health strategy. The strategy builds on four long-term aspirations to make innovative treatment available through R&D, promote accessibility, enhance cultural acceptability and provide safe and efficacious medical products.


Our aspiration is to enhance access to brain health for the most vulnerable. We aim to accelerate our efforts through strategic partnerships and collaboration with leading experts.


In many parts of the world, brain disease comes with a high degree of social stigma. To advance a more inclusive world, we work with international and local advocacy groups to promote disease awareness, combat stigma and empower people living with brain diseases.


Climate Action

Science and innovation are at the heart of what we do. It enables us to foster groundbreaking discoveries within neuroscience. But it also plays a pivotal role in helping us, as a company, prioritize climate action.


We are leaders in climate action, and we measure everything we do with the most ambitious reduction targets set by science. Throughout our value chain, we continue to reduce our carbon footprint, becoming more circular and increasing recycling.


Ethics, Trust and Transparency

Trust is essential. To us, and to our industry. And as a business partner, we promote integrity in the pharmaceutical industry. We take prudent actions to remain responsible. We require our employees and business partners to act with respect and integrity in everything they do, to maintain trust and safeguard our license to operate. At the same time, we are actively promoting inclusion, equality and a safe working environment for Lundbeck employees worldwide.


Life-Changing Innovation

Globally, the number of people living with brain diseases is growing. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to chase the scientific breakthroughs that enable us to deliver hope. We will advance innovation in balance and not at the cost of nature – and we will continue to set ambitious sustainability targets while delivering life-changing innovation to the people who need it.


The model below illustrates our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.


Read our Sustainability Report 2020 on

“We are leaders in climate action, and we measure everything we do with the most ambitious reduction targets set by science.”

Our Sustainability Strategy

Through our sustainability strategy, we mitigate business risks, reduce negative impacts, and address societal challenges where possible. We remain committed to UN Global Compact Principles, and contribute to seven of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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