The Largest Gathering for Shareholders of the Year
We invite all of our shareholders to the Annual General Meeting, hosted in Valby, Denmark, and broadcasted globally. On this page, you can find documents related to the agenda, the day’s presentation, voting, minutes, and other relevant information.
Som aktionær kan du via portalen få adgang til en lang række aktionærinformationer - bl.a. kan du se din aktiebeholdning, vælge hvilken aktionærinformation du ønsker at modtage, tilmelde dig generalforsamlingen eller afgive fuldmagt.
Investor portal
As a shareholder you can access a wide range of investor information. Among other things, you can view your shareholding, choose which investor information you wish to receive, register for the AGM or appoint a proxy.
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An overview of Lundbeck’s financial performance.
The Share
A complete overview of our share data, shareholders, dividends and analyst coverage.