Shareholder composition and dividends
An overview of the composition of Lundbeck shareholders, the dividend policy and the historical development in Lundbeck’s share capital. The Lundbeck share is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Copenhagen.
According to the Lundbeck share register, the company had approximately 66,000 shareholders at the end of 2022, representing approximately 99% of the outstanding shares. The Lundbeck Foundation (Lundbeckfond Invest A/S) is the company’s largest shareholder, holding 137,351,918 shares at the end of 2023, which equals 69% of the share capital and voting rights. The Lundbeck Foundation is the only shareholder to report a holding in excess of 5% of the share capital.
Lundbeck's dividend policy is to pay out a dividend of 30% - 60% of profit for the year after tax, with due considerations to the company's growth plans, possible acquisitions and other liquidity requirements.
The company's share capital amounts to DKK 996 million nominal value, divided into shares of DKK 5 nominal value each. Each nominal share amount of DKK 5 carries one vote as provided in Article 10.5 of the Articles of Association.
In March 2001, the denomination of each share was reduced from DKK 20 nominal value to DKK 5 nominal value.
* Based on a share denomination of DKK 5
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Analyst coverage
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