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Charitable contributions

Lundbeck contributions portal

Welcome to the Lundbeck US contributions portal. The page describes Lundbeck's policy and process for requesting financial grants and other support made to foundations, not-for-profit organizations and other worthy charitable organizations.

At Lundbeck, we are dedicated to advancing brain health and transforming lives. We understand that our corporate social responsibility extends beyond the medicines we make, and we are committed to giving back to the community in a responsible and appropriate way. 


Please read the following below before submitting your request. 

  • Descriptions of sponsorships and charitable donations -- explains which is most appropriate for request/submission
  • Focus areas for Lundbeck’s contributions
  • Funding restrictions
  • Request instructions
  • FAQs

Please note the information presented on this page does not apply to Lundbeck’s Investigator-Initiated Trial Program or Independent Medical Education

There are two types of contributions that Lundbeck supports: sponsorships and charitable donations. 


Sponsorships are funding opportunities offered by a 3rd party (other than education grants, fellowships, or other medical funding requests) that also present a tangible benefit to Lundbeck. 


Examples of sponsorships are:

  • Local awareness walks
  • Community education events
  • National meeting or conference sponsorship

Tangible benefits further Lundbeck’s business or policy goals and include, but are not limited to:

  • Journal/newsletter advertisements
  • Exhibit space
  • Banner advertisements
  • Tickets or registrations to a gala, etc.
  • Branding on items associated with the event

Charitable donations

Charitable donations are financial or in-kind contributions to a non-profit (i.e. a 501(c)(3) organization) where the primary purpose of the contribution or donation is charitable and the donation is not in exchange for any service or tangible benefit to Lundbeck.


Examples of charitable donations are:

  • Humanitarian and other social programs
  • Healthcare-related programs
  • Science, culture and arts education
  • Events that serve the communities where Lundbeck personnel work and live

Lundbeck may receive corporate recognition in connection with a charitable donation, such as:

  • Placement of Lundbeck’s corporate logo at an event, on a podium, brochure or website
  • Honorable mentions or verbal/written thank you announcements



Focus areas

Lundbeck considers sponsorship and charitable contribution requests to organizations whose missions align with Lundbeck’s dedication to advancing brain health and our efforts to build a healthy, sustainable society: 


  • Neurological and psychiatric disorders specific to disease states Lundbeck serves
  • Rare brain diseases for which there are few, if any, management options 
  • Organizations whose mission is in line with Lundbeck’s purpose and beliefs

Funding restrictions

In general, Lundbeck does not provide funding for the following requests through its Charitable Contributions program:

  • Request where Lundbeck is asked to be sole supporter or provide more than 1/3 of overall program budget
  • Request where Lundbeck would provide greater than or equal to 25% of the requester’s overall budget in a 12-month period
  • The requester would use funds for a Health Care Provider (HCP), HCP practice or Health Care Organization (HCO); an entity owned/controlled by these individuals; an agent or vendor acting on behalf of these individuals or a non-profit charity in support of these individuals
  • Request is associated with a disease that is not consistent with an on-label disease of an FDA-approved Lundbeck product
  • Request is not compliant with applicable federal and state laws, the PhRMA code and Lundbeck’s policies
  • Requests from organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, political affiliation, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious beliefs

Request process

Submit a request

Use of Lundbeck Logos

There are two possible logos associated with funding requests: 1) the Lundbeck logo and 2) the Lundbeck US Charitable Fund logo. Guidance will be given on which logo to use upon approval of the funding request. Requester agrees to use the appropriate Lundbeck logo according to the instructions provided by the LOA

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